息 (2022)




Rhythm of the Line (2022)

There is an ecological gastrointestinal tract that has been exiled. She stretches for nearly 44 meters and is hidden underground. Her emergence was evident in the promise of the political campaign and the changes in the transportation system. People mistakenly thought that she was a stubborn cement and a fragmented edge landscape, which was hard to contribute to shaping the earth's topography. However, the silence of this barren area nourishes new residents to arrive. 

Occasionally, I began to pursue the ecological network that is concealed. By capturing the birth and death of various creatures/objects, I illuminate their liveness and rhythms. I began to fantasise about their path, then companioned by them. Where did their journey begin? Where did they move forward?

In the mysterious ecological theatre, lives perform diversely and surprisingly. Through the practice of archiving and collecting, I become conscious of the intimate breath between the flesh and the surroundings while seeing. The underground is similar to the time of heterotopia. Time moves slowly and discontinuously as if there is no external force that can enhance or delay. The movement, the silence, the light and the shadow of it seem to be a resistance to the real. In the end, she could not avoid the fate of being remembered again; and I continue to memorise and recapture what was left behind.

There is a tract of exile biome that stretches for nearly 44 meters and is hidden underground.

花之器 (2016-2021)


作品概念源自於亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛(Abraham Harold Maslow)在1943年提出的心理學觀點—需求層次理論(Maslow's hierarchy of needs)將人的行為動機分成五項需求指標,最基本的為對生理和安全的需求,其目的是為了生存和繁衍。若人類的成長過程中缺乏該需求,他將難以追求愛和被人尊重,更遑論達到精神層次的自我實現。反之,為了滿足基本的生存慾望層次,主體邀請有機體對存有的介入與寄生,而交融之下亦可使身體茁生成似人非人、似獸非獸的物質之間複雜糾纏狀態。


The Vessel that Blossoms (2016-2021)

The artwork "The Vessel that Blossoms" by the artist Siow-Wey Hee reflects her life experiences, portraying feelings of isolation due to a lack of love and neglect during her upbringing. The images capture the transformation of ritualized bodies into vessels, where the fragility and toughness of flowers turn flesh into sculptures. This process is documented frame by frame.

The inspiration for the work comes from Abraham Harold Maslow's psychological theory, the Hierarchy of Needs, proposed in 1943. This theory categorizes human motivational behavior into five hierarchical needs, starting with basic survival needs. The artwork explores how a deficiency in these basic needs can make the pursuit of love and respect challenging, hindering the achievement of self-actualization.

To express this internal conflict, the artist incorporates external objects that intertwine with bodily postures, resulting in visual creations within the series "The Vessel that Blossoms". The complex relationship between survival instincts and the desire for love is represented through the entanglement of materials, creating intricate states resembling both human and non-human characteristics.

The artist uses her own body as a canvas to challenge and liberate the tactile sense of imagery, exploring constraints, bindings, and contortions. The series serves as a record of the artist's actions and the politics of her body over an extended period. Additionally, it delves into how gender structures and feminine qualities are  perceived in a broader cultural context.


人自出生以來便被套上無形的枷鎖桎梏,須遵循社會規範,以符合多數人認同的行為模式與價 值觀。長期束縛在肉體裹的靈魂,偶而出現掙扎與困惑。 於是褪下了偽裝的外表,隱匿藏身於 衣櫃的私密空間裡,進行著自虐般的試鍊興玩樂。在凌唐壓迫的考驗與性的狂喜下,進而尋求 內在的平衡寧靜點。透過入櫃與出櫃,探索生命的核心意義。

My secret playground (2012-2014)

Since our birth, we are bound by invisible chains, instructed to obey social norms, to behave in ways expected by society. Our soul, bound in our bodies, may become confused and struggle. Through artist's exploration in her closet, a private space, she tried to look for answers while going into and coming out of the closet, while recording everything by taking photos of herself



The Container (2011)

Taking self-portraits in the confines of her own home, especialy in various corners and containers at the house, the artist try to adjust to the day-to-day high pressure city life style by making fun of.

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